SunGuide Release 8.1
For a list of commonly used acronyms click here.
SG - 3335 - Travel Time Alerts
- Alerts can be configured for changes in travel times.
SG - 2510 - Removed Items in Response Plan
- Items in response plans now indicate the previous plan items, and the changes being made to the current plan.
SG - 4209 – Polylines
- Events can now be shown as a polyline including multiple locations.
SG - 4985 - Response Plan Radius
- The system can be configured to set the search radius for devices in a response plan based on the event type.
SG - 3143 - Status Log Filters
- The look and feed of the Status Logger filter have been changed to show more infomration and additional filtering options.
SG - 2364 - Log Username
- The username of the user that changed the device status is now logged in the Status Logger.
SG - 5251 - WWD Images
- WWD alerts are now sent for all activation, even if an existing alert for that device has not been handled.
- Storage of the images for each alert are now separate to ensure no overwrite is possible.
SG - 564 - Deleted Devices
- CCTV, DMS, and TSS devices are now deprecated when deleted (as opposed to removed).
- SAA users are now deprecated.
- Reports have been modified to allow reporting against these deprecated items.
SG - 5065 - Active Directory
- The system now supports the use of Active Directory and Single Sign On (SSO) for users.
SG - 4781 - VLC Lib
- The VLC version for the map was upgraded to the latest version.
SG- 3338 - SAS Floodgate
- Floodgates can now be scheduled through the SAS system.
SG - 3925 - Road Ranger Beat
- Event Reports can now use the Road Ranger Beat as a filter.
SG - 2493 - Arterial DMS changes
- Map filters for Arterial and Non-Arterial DMS are now avaialable.
- Users can create device groups to show and hide devices on the map.
SG - 5278 - BOS Integration
- The use of Blank Out Signs is now supported including adding them to predefined and standard response plans.
SG - 5236 - TPAS Alert
- An email can be generated when a space in a truck parking facility has been occupied for longer than a configurable timeframe for use to trigger a potential welfare check.
SG - 4965 - SPARR Mileage
- Mileage is now an optional field when using the SPARR application for use in mileage tracking for the vehicles.
SG - 3488 - DMS Priority Changes
- Priority can now be set for a group of signs without changing messaging on any of the signs.
- The messaging of a group of signs can now be changed without affecting the priority of the message.
SG - 3336 - Associate Event
- Alerts previously associated to an event will automatically select that event when a new update to the alert appears.
SG - 4936 - Roadway Filters
- Performance Meaasures reports can now be filtered on Roadway.
SG - 2570 - Comments on Events
- Comments can now be added to closed events without reopening or taking ownership.
SG - 4815 - Response Plan Congestion Tail
- If the response plan congestion tail is set for an event, the messaging will use the tail loaction for response plan messaging.
SG - 5359 - WWD Alert Changes
- Layout of the WWD alerts was changed to allow larger images when the alert is selected.
SG - 5170 - Waze Alert Filter
- Waze alert filtering now has the option of blacklisting roadways in areas that may not be covered by the TMC.
SG - 5376 - Nearest Camera
- Nearest camera for an event was added to the C2C data for 3rd parties to injest.
SG - 3800 - Accurate Locations
- Operators can set a more accurate lat/lon for an event based on clicking the map or taking the location from an onsite Road Ranger.
SG - 5156 - Timestamp Logic
- Logic checks were added to the Event Responders field to ensure the operators are aware of potentially missing or incorrect timestamps before closing an event.
SG - 3962 - Open CCTV
- Options to open a video feed for the nearest CCTV were added to the Event List and Event Details dialogs.
SG - 3745 - Organization Selection
- Organization is now a selectable field as part of event creation.
SG - 5410 - Executive Notification Changes
- Additional configuration options on who should receive Executive Notifications were added.
- An option to dismiss the Executive Notification was added. The notification can re-trigger at a later point if needed.
SG - 3499 - Ramp Closed
- Wording was modified to a consistent "Closed" vs "Blocked" language across the state.
New Device Support added
- Carmanah WWD
- GovComm WWD
- TrafficVision WWD
- K&K (Avigilon) WWD
- WebRelay for Overheight Detection
- WebRelay for Blank Out Signs
- DataPath Video Wall