SunGuide Release 6.0, Patch 3 Notes
For a list of commonly used acronyms click here.
Fixes included in Release 6.0, Patch 3:
Automatic Vehicle Location
- Fixed issue where AVL vehicle stuck in arrive state (FP 2411)
- SPARR Driver may now set status to Unresolved (FP 2652) (Enhancement)
- Fixed issue with RR Status (FP 2685)
- Fixed issue creating geofence midpoints (FP 2713)
- Fixed issue where county information is missing (FP 2623)
- Fixed issue with link name containing name instead of ID (FP 2663)
- Fixed issue with command received by the command receiver (FP 2758
- Fixed C2C component reconnect issue (FP 2797)
- Fixed issue posting floodgate messages (FP 2803)
- Improved purge method (FP 2724)
- Re-implement DMS Groups for SAS (FP 2563) (Enhancement)
- Added ability for third parties to submit color DMS messages (FP 2676) (Enhancement)
- Fixed Response Plan Discrepancy Email vs. DMS Wording (FP 2579)
- Fixed Chronology not showing Primary/Secondary Entries (FP 2598)
- Fixed issue with auditing EM Responders (FP 2653)
- Fixed EM lag behavior and slow startup (FP 2668)
- Fixed Lane Blockage Description (FP 2683)
- Fixed issue with FHP event not getting correct nearest camera (FP 2688)
- Fixed issue with cloned event not copying involved vehicle data (FP 2688)
- Fixed issue with Primary event ID set to NA (FP 2691)
- Fixed issue with Chronology entries showing device ID (FP 2692)
- Fixed issue with email body for full closure events (FP 2712)
- Fixed minor issues with EM after hotfix 6 and 9 (FP 2717)
- Fixed issue with releasing ownership of an event (FP 2726)
- Fixed issue with email body containing multitext from DMS (FP 2731)
- Fixed issue with Email body for center lane blockage (FP 2759)
- Fixed issue with EM locking up (FP 2785)
- Fixed issue with some dialogs displaying too small (FP 1852)
- Better filtering of TSS road link information (FP 2181) (Enhancement)
- Added a shortcut to the Short Status (FP 2649) (Enhancement)
- Fixed several small exceptions (FP 2658)
- Fixed issue editing pre-defined response plans (FP 2671, 2708)
- Fixed issue with FHP Incident ID not populating in Event (FP 2686)
- Fixed issue with AVL RR not being sorted in a list (FP 2694)
- Fixed issue with the default email group not being selected (FP 2695)
- Fixed issue searching the message library in a response plan (FP 2699)
- Fixed issue with the response plan dialog not showing the priority of the currently active message on the DMS (FP 2749)
- Fixed issue with message pop for response plan (FP 2770)
- Fixed issue editing layouts (FP 2809)
- Fixed issue with too many alerts (FP 2646)Fpatch 2
- Fixed issue with FHP Alerts not resolving correctly (FP 2660)
- Fixed connectivity issue (FP 2624)
- Fixed issue with the joystick (FP 2698)
- Fixed ramp meter shut down issue (FP 1574)
- Fixed issue with ID being used instead of name (FP 2648)
- Fixed view in for Event Reports (FP 2684)
- Fixed report issue Incident Duration Full Detail report (FP 2696)
- Fixed issue with the VW_DEVICE View (FP 2710)
- Fixed issue with VW_RS_EVENT_PERFMEASD view (FP 2753)
- Fixed issue with VW_RS_DMS_MESSAGE view (FP 2754)
- Fixed issue with view for Road Rangers (FP 2769)
- Fixed issue with filtering by RR, vehicle, or detector (FP 2788)
- Fixed issue to prevent end date from occurring prior to start date (FP 2719)
- Fixed issue with SB selection window snapping back to first entry in the list of safety barriers (FP 2718)
- Fixed issue with Wavetronix protocol displaying incorrect speed (FP 2422)
- Fixed issue with TSS threshold dropping out after midnight (FP 2665)
- Fixed issue adding TSS links to roadway geometry (FP 2804)
- Fixed issue disassociating Video Source from Camera (FP 2634)