SunGuide Release 6.0 Notes (Released July 2013)
For a list of commonly used acronyms click here.
Admin Editor
Automatic Vehicle Location
- Bulk Updates for AVL/RR (FP 1591)
- AVL Alerts need to be logged (FP 1999)
Action Subsystem
- Scheduled Action Subsystem revision to handle Camera Actions, DMS Sequences and Travel Time Display
Data Archive
- Lane averages will be volume weighted in the rolling average
- Link averages will be volume weighted as a rolling average as well as a poll cycle average of the lanes
- Added a configurable option for running report against a database that is not the primary SunGuide Database (FP 2439)
- TSS validation of speeds using the reported volume value
- Travel time message templates can be displayed with no units
Driver Support
- TransCore Encompass driver support of the TCP and status message
Dynamic Message Signs / Message Arbitration Subsystem
- NTCIPv2 Color/Graphics support for DMS signs
- Ownership of DMS messages when using predefined response plans/generated response plans (FP 1498)
- Store priority in DMS message library (FP 2301)
Event Management
- Allow Construction/Planned Construction events to have "zones" like Congestion (FP 1579)
- Populate contact phone numbers if contact is already defined in EM (FP 1634)
- Add vehicle alert (amber, silver, leo) templates (FP 2370)
- EIS G4 detector support
Operator Map
- "Nearest CCTV" doesn't populate with geographically closest cameras (FP 1455)
- Video on Desktop including a software video decoder for viewing video directly from the Operator Map
Server Compatibility
- Dual Support of Oracle and SQL Server databases
- Renaming now supported on devices
Fixes included in Release 6.0:
Admin Editor
- Fixed issue with vehicle Operator configurations in AVL (FP 2172)
Automatic Vehicle Location
- Fixed stop alerts triggering at the incorrect times (FP 2161)
- Fixed issue logging RR activities sent by the Operator Map when running the RRXML driver with no incoming connection on that driver (FP 2347)
Dynamic Message Signs
- Fixed clock syncing issue causing DMS to stay in a pending state (FP 2163)
- Fixed issue causing DMS to sporadically stop sending status updates (FP 2352)
Event Management
- Fixed issue creating lane blockage records through auditing (FP 1492)
- Fixed issue of logging a DMS response in an event response plan when activating a unrelated sequence on a sign used by the response plan (FP 2195)
- Fixed issue activating a response plan on a DMS that used the “Default DMS” template (FP 2225)
- Fixed issue audit a section of the event next to a part that had also be previously audited. (FP 2294)
- Fixed issue in Operator Map that allowed user to input an incorrect value that would cause Ramp Metering firmware to stop functioning correctly (FP 1636)
- Events created from a TSS alert will default to a “Congestion” event type (FP 2243)
- Fixed issue setting English and Spanish Floodgates using the set multiple option (FP 2273)
- GUI now populates the Mile Marker field if the mile marker is defined (FP 2307)
- Fixed issue not requiring an activity to be set before departing a Road Ranger. (FP 2355)
- GUI now allows sorting by Columns on the Travel Times tab (FP 2423)
- Introduced a publish flag to the INRIX links so a district can choose to not publish particular links on the FLATIS site. (FP 2336)
Jupiter Driver
- Fixed issue where Jupiter driver would not start using the Executive Handler (FP 2337)
- Fixed issue on Jupiter Driver startup when using the IP as the hostname (FP 2367)
Message Arbitration Subsystem
- Fixed issue where beacons would not be set for the VSLs (FP 2368)
- Fixed issue where MAS would not honor the operator approval override flag in the config file (FP 2361)
- Fixed issue setting the controller to the active state (FP 2354)
RTMS Driver
- Fixed CRC check and the ability to set the detector to Wavetronix HD through Admin Editor (FP 2366)
- Fixed issue generating XML for the Canoga detectors (FP 2380)